Family Systems Therapy

To resolve problems that have stemmed from the home, family systems therapy can help the patient with a wide variety of issues such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse disorder, personality disorders, bipolar disorder, and eating disorders. Family systems therapy dives deep into the individuals’ family dynamics and patterns.

What is

Family Systems Therapy


Family systems therapy is a form of psychotherapy that views the family as a dynamic system in which individual members are interconnected and influence each other's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It considers the family as a whole, rather than focusing solely on individual family members or their problems. The goal of family systems therapy is to understand and address the patterns of interaction and communication within the family system that may contribute to issues or conflicts. By identifying and addressing these patterns, family systems therapy seeks to improve the overall functioning of the family and promote healthy relationships.

How does

Family Systems Therapy


Family systems therapy is conducted by our licensed therapists who specialize in family systems therapy. Our therapist will work with your family as a whole, facilitating open communication, fostering understanding, and helping family members identify and change patterns of interaction that may be contributing to problems. Family systems therapy is based on a set of key principles that guide the understanding and approach of the therapist. Take a closer look at the eight key principles of family systems therapy below.

Eight Key Principles of Family Systems Therapy

The Differentiation of Self

The differentiation of self emphasizes the importance of individuals developing a sense of self that is separate from their family of origin. This involves understanding and managing one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a healthy and autonomous manner, while maintaining healthy connections with their family members.

The Triangle

The triangle refers to a third person being drawn into a conflict between two individuals within a family. This recognizes that adding a third person to a relationship can shift the dynamics and impact the entire family system.

The Nuclear Family Emotional Process

The nuclear family emotional process focuses on the emotional dynamics and patterns of communication within a nuclear family, including how emotions are expressed, regulated, and transmitted among family members.

The Family Projection Process

The family projection process refers to how parents project their own unresolved emotional issues onto their children. This principle highlights the importance of understanding how family members may unconsciously transfer their own emotional baggage onto others in the family.

The Multi-Generational Transmission Process

The multi-generational transmission process recognizes that patterns of behavior and emotional dynamics can be passed down from one generation to another. This process emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the intergenerational patterns that may contribute to current issues within the family system.

Sibling Position

The sibling position is the birth order and gender of siblings within a family, and how this can influence their roles and interactions. The sibling position recognizes the impact of sibling dynamics on the family system and individual development.

The Emotional Cutoff

The emotional cutoff refers to the process of individuals distancing themselves emotionally from their family of origin in order to manage unresolved emotional issues. This principle highlights the importance of understanding and addressing emotional cutoffs within the family system.

Emotional Processes in Society

This principle acknowledges that family systems are influenced by broader societal and cultural factors. It emphasizes the importance of considering the larger social context in which the family system operates.

Family Systems Therapy

- Frequently Asked Questions

Is family systems therapy only for families with major issues or conflicts?

No, family systems therapy can be beneficial for all types of families, regardless of the severity of issues. It can help families improve communication, strengthen relationships, and promote healthy functioning.

How long does family systems therapy usually take?

The duration of family systems therapy varies depending on the needs of the family and the progress made. It can be short-term or long-term, typically ranging from a few sessions to several months or more.

Talk to Lexi, our Admissions Director

She is happy to answer any questions or offer further details about our program.
Contact Lexi
Lexi Guiel the admissions director for imperial house in Provo, Utah
Additional questions?

General Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Imperial House located?

Imperial House is in Provo, Utah (50 minutes south of the SLC airport). The house is a residential home in a local neighborhood in the eastern part of town.

How long will my child be at Imperial House?

The length of stay is based on individual treatment needs and funding source.

How do I start the admissions process?

Start by giving us a call at 385-312-0352 or a text at 385-226-7653.  Our team carefully screens each student to make sure we are the best fit for your family.

What does family involvement look like?

Imperial House is a private organization dedicated to providing high quality, accessible, and affordable care.  We work with a wide variety of insurance companies that help families to afford treatment.  We can verify your benefits within 24 hrs and let you know what your policy details look like.  Call 385-312-0352 with your policy information to get started.